Bioinformatic Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease

Bioinformatic Analysis of  Alzheimer's Disease
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Язык: Русский
The field of human genetics, often synonymous with medical genetics, is concerned with the study of hereditability of genetic variations in humans, particularly as it relates to human diseases. The analysis of genes causing disease is an important and challenging problem. Information Technology plays a key role in the discipline of medicine to generate synergy for the betterment of the diagnosis of diseases. The in vitro experimentation may fall short of accuracy in identifying the root cause of the disease so the treatment may not directly address the disease This Book, therefore provides the analysis of the genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease using different computational techniques and tools. The Analysis will help in new therapeutic interventions particularly in the field of biomarker discovery. By using the results of the analysis, medical practitioners can directly focus on the disease. Further research studies in this direction may pave way in discovering preventive and curative aspects of Alzheimer’s disease.


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