Biofuels; The Sustainable Way for the Present and the Future

Biofuels; The Sustainable Way for the Present and the Future
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Язык: Русский
Increased awareness of greenhouse gases and the environmental changes combined with increasing oil prices and decreasing fossil fuels reserves has led the concerns towards the future energy needs and their possible sources. Environmental problems are always associated with the use of traditional fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. Consequently, many developing as well as developed countries across the globe have recognized the possibilities of future energy demands and biofuels are seen as a possible solution for this problem. Biofuels provide the dual solution for both the above questions. Biofuels is currently the subject of a wide ranging societal and political debate. Issues of costs, energy security, green house gas emissions, sustainability of production, impact on food production and biodiversity are also associated with a renewed interest in biofuels.‘Biofuels; The Sustainable Way for the Present and the Future’ provides an overview of biofuels, their types and generations, conversion processes, uses and other issues related to biofuels for a sustainable future. This book will be proved helpful for individuals, students, researchers as well as agencies and institutions.


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