Amish Under Siege in America

Amish Under Siege in America
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The Amish, an absolutely unique minority group within the broad American ethnic mosaic, are embroiled, albeit passively, in an existential conflict with their antithesis, American vulture culture and its worship of militarism; practice of parasitism; and contempt for Christian socialism. As the negation community it is, the traditional Amish way of life not only sharply deviates from dominant American culture, it presents a challenging utopian socialist and agrarian spiritual alternative, one which is increasingly distorted, ridiculed, undermined and targeted for destruction by America’s ruling class. Whether stemming from vile pornographers; irreverent media moguls; unscrupulous publishers; exploitative companies; parasitic tourist agencies; contemptuous comedians; right-wing evangelicals; or repressive federal authorities using witch hunts and decapitation tactics, the current attack upon the Amish is unprecedented in scope and severity. Unless these virulently anti-Amish forces are contained and overcome by an America transformed, the demise and disappearance of the traditional Amish in the 21st century is almost certain.


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