Acts of Resistance

Acts of Resistance
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In his most explicitly political work to date, Pierre Bourdieu speaks out against the new myths of our time – especially those associated with neo–liberalism – and offers a passionate defence of the public interest. The withdrawal of the state from many areas of social life in recent years – housing, health, social services, etc. – has produced growing despair in the most deprived sections of the population; the dismantling of public welfare in the name of private enterprise, flexible markets and global competitiveness is increasing the misery of those who have suffered most. In this sharp, uncompromising attack on neo–liberalism and those who champion it – from the IMF to the President of the Bundesbank, from politicians to academic commentators – Bourdieu stands up for the interests of the powerless and helps to give a voice to those individuals, groups and social movements whose views are rarely heard in the dominant media. A powerful plea for a new internationalism which would seek to defend the public interest and the social rights of ordinary people against the new prophets of the marketplace, this important and timely book by one of Europe?s most outstanding intellectuals deserves to be widely read.


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