Active Learning Technology in the Field of Electronics

Active Learning Technology in the Field of Electronics
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Язык: Русский
This book concentrates on the methods and tools that attract learners and educators in making the educational process in the field of Electronics and Power Electronics maximally effective and successful. The study provides the participants of the educational process with an effective environment enhancing their opportunities in the knowledge acquisition and appreciation. The scientific contributions of the research include a learning/teaching technology built on a novel conception of educational thesaurus, new tools for the bachelor’s and master’s study that extend the sphere of the active learning technology upon the field of electronics and power electronics, and a learning content management system. The practical value involves an increased skill area of the graduates, enlarged possibilities for students to acquire and share knowledge and skills, enhanced descriptiveness and attractiveness of learning, effective instruments for information search, comparison and evaluation, suitable tools for onsite and off-site education, including staff consulting and peer-to-peer collaboration, and an easy self-assessment environment with fast feedback and learning correction.


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